As a Nutrition Coach, I get asked these questions a lot:
1. "Does counting calories actually work?"
2. "How long should I count calories for?"
3. "Is counting calories something I have to do, in order to see progress?"
Counting calories is a powerful tool for everyone on any fitness journey. Whether that be for weight loss, weight gain, enhanced performance, or to simply maintain their desired weight. I love the saying “You don’t know what you don’t know… until you know”. Counting calories is a learning experience and helps educate yourself on nutrition. Knowing just how much you are eating every day and how it is impacting both your progress and how you feel is critical to understand.
The Little Things Add Up
Counting the main meals is the easy part. Let’s take a look at what happens when we log absolutely everything and get an understanding as to why we may not be seeing the progress we think we should. It’s the little things that add up, I promise. Here's some examples: